If you do any kind of racing or fitness training, it involves two major components: Technical skills and Fitness training. For many years, I have been teaching the technical aspects of surf ski paddling or simply put, how to paddle a surf ski safely and efficiently in the waters you train in along with proper surfski selection.
I have relied on my vast racing experience in road running, indoor rowing, and paddling to formulate a fitness training plan for each one of these. Sometimes I got it right, and other times, I limped through a race from being over or undertrained. Most of us always have questions concerning the correct mix of training: technical, strength, cardio, psychological, recovery, and nutrition in the race season and the offseason. Throw in the variables of life: family time, work constraints, access to water, and age, and your training plan gets increasingly complicated. How do you allocate your overall training time to maximize your fitness or race goals? Well, SurfskiRacing now has a solution.
New Partnership for Complete Surfski Training
I have partnered with Janda Ricci-Munn, a 20-year professional triathlete coach, and elite athlete. Many of us already know Janda who lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Janda Ricci-Munn is an elite level multisport coach who specializes in the training of endurance athletes. Over the course of his extensive coaching career, Janda has helped hundreds of individuals from a wide variety of sports to attain success at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Coaching Services and Training can be found on his site https://www.jrmmultisport.com/.

Janda can put together an individualized off or in season surfski training plan for you taking into account your goals and all the variables I mentioned earlier. Janda and I will work in concert, making sure you have the technical skills and the training plan to reach your paddling goals. This is specific to you. So no cookie-cutter training plan that often is rigid and not addressing your age, skill level, time to train, family, and work schedule.
So for example, if your goal is to complete the Blackburn Challenge for the first time, break the 3 hour mark, or the 2:50 benchmarks, then we can help you get there. Another example of how we can help you is designing an offseason training plan so you come into the race season prepared. It is not all about racing so we can get you ready for fitness paddling too. Whatever your goal for paddling we got you covered from the selection of paddling gear and skis, to the technical aspects of paddling, to a comprehensive training plan taking into account all your personal constraints. Details can be found on this site under the Surf Ski Coaching Tab. Send me an email to get you started on a more enjoyable and efficient way to paddle your ski.

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