Healthy Distractions

Since retiring from pharmaceutical sales three years ago, I have been busy, just not paddling as much. I have been running/racing 5k, 5 milers, and 10k’s often winning my age group or at least on the podium. The 60 to 65 age group is still competitive as is the 55-60. Depending on the race, I can be near the top of the later group too.It helps the motivation since I work at Run Newport, a speciality running store with the best selection in three states. We are very, very busy, where I enjoy meeting all kinds of runners/walkers from all over the world.


I have met many locals, my neighbors, Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard service members, professional sailors, and many dogs! We are dog friendly. Oh, I also started training dog three years ago too. is the my site. I have learned so much from training dogs, all types of dogs from Emma(my GSP),  to the tiny 5 pounder, to Labs, German Shepards, Akitas, bully mixes, hounds, and many more. I love training dogs, it is so rewarding.

Emma, my German Short Hair Pointer

Ursus, 130 lbs Akita that I have trained, sat for, walked for over 2 years now. This dog makes me Happy!

Newport is a top destination vacation spot, one of the sailing centers of the world, and home the Naval War College. It also has a vibrant running community in large part thanks to the owner(Adam) and manager(Ben) of Run Newport. Adam happens to be my neighbor as well. Newport and Rhode Island have many, many races and some of the biggest have courses around the iconic ocean drive, or that start and finish at one of three beaches in Newport or Middletown. This is a long way of saying, I have been running instead of paddling over the last few years being surrounded by runners/walkers and helping them get the best shoe for their running or walking needs.

My other distraction from paddling was cycling which I also picked up three years ago. It compliments my running. It also is a very expensive hobby too. I have more bikes than skis now.  Competing on Strava Segments has been so much fun with the local cyclists. Being nearly hit, and fearful while cycling almost on a daily basis is stressful compared to paddling! That’s a topic for another post.

The Race

I have been paddling some over the last few years, ROTC, Sakonnet River Race, Narrow River Races. I decided to race the Holyoke 6 miler since I could meet Dave Thomas of Stellar there to deliver my new surf ski, the Eagle. I have raced this race multiple times over the years. I like it because its easy access from the major highways 90, 91, great facilities since it’s at a boat house with parking, and easy water access. I got there early to set up my ski. I have been so looking forward to getting this ski. I paddled it briefly at the ROTC and then new I needed it. James LeGrand, owned it and had a good race that day as I saw him drop me about mile 4 of that race. Dave was nice enough to deliver my Eagle and take a ski I sold for transport. So the timing was excellent all away around.

Holyoke Rows Fall Festival 6 miler Results

I got on the water early after setting up my boat. I have set up so many surf ski over the years it is old hand now. Fortunately, once on the water, the toe pedals only needed a slight adjustment, but I let that go for the race not wanting to fuss with it before the start of the race. It was a gorgeous day to race, light wind, sunny, crisp day and shallow water however. The kayaks, and surf skis went off first. Ray and George in a tandem ski took off like rockets with James behind them and then me. I may have got 5 seconds of wash riding before they were gone. James opened up a 1o second gap to the 1st bridge. Close to me were Julie LeGrand in her SES, Dave in his Eagle, and Ben Johnson in his Nelo. We were all on slightly different lines but converge about a half mile after the turn. Dave, pulled up beside on my left and Julie was on my right with Ben slightly behind. James increased his gap on this segment and had a commanding lead which he held for the race.

Julie was paddling strong so I decided to ride her side wash for as long as I could. I alternated between riding her wash and paddling even with her. If in better paddling shape I would have gladly taken a pull but I was at threshold at 151 heart rate. Julie would slow down slightly ever so often, hoping I would pull. I wanted to save some for the last segment. As we approached the bridge and the turn around buoy, three tandem canoes caught us and were bearing down like freight trains all in line. I got on the side wash of the leaders, Andy Hall and Nick Lyesiuk. With the 180 degree turn fast approaching, I was trying to decide if I could beat them to the turn but that idea was short lived. Then I had to decide how much leeway did they need to turn? Well, not much. They turned on a dime!

After this turn, I was right behind them on their side wash. Dave and Julie I think got caught in the fray on the buoy turn so I was able to open up a gap. The lead canoe, and second canoe and I were all together until half mile to the finish. I was on the wash for most of this segment but I yielded some being on the side wash.  It was such a fight between  the 1st, 2nd canoeist did not want to interfere with their race. With quarter mile to go, I looked over my should and caught a glimpse of another paddler. I thought it was the 3rd canoeist, but in fact it was Dave. I was able to hold him off by only seconds! He closed the gap on me during this last stretch averaging few tenths (7.3) mile per hour over my average pace(6.9-7.1). Julie finished 9 seconds behind me and Dave only 4 seconds! Whew!

Racing flatwater is hard work. I don’t particularly enjoy it, but its the best for cardio, strength, technique to prepare for ocean racing if you already have your ocean skills locked down.  This race felt good to mix it up (not boring) since I was surrounded by other paddlers, was able to see some friends and meet some new ones. I talked to Pricilla briefly, caught up with Dave who just came off doing the Josh Billing’ Ironman, talked to Peter Heed already marketing the 2025 Nationals to be held in Northfield again next year. Peter said it is going to be Spectacular even better this time around. I believe him and I will be there with my surf ski in hand with the rest of the surf ski paddlers!

By the way my new Stellar Eagle Excel was excellent! I enjoyed racing it! Looking forward to paddling on the ocean this week as well.