The Series is made up of 12 races starting with the Snow Row, a four mile sprint in frigid conditions in March. It ends with the new (2nd annual) Cape Cod Downwind. Over the years I have added more flat water races so there is an excellent mixture of flat water; Narrow River,Essex, and ROTC early in the season so everyone can participate, before we gear up for my race, the Sakonnet River Race which often has a great combination of downwind and upwind paddling. A few years ago I added the Ride the Bull for an intense rough water experience before we train up for the endurance event of the Blackburn Challenge. This year’s Blackburn prove too much for many paddlers but for those with excellent rough water skills, it got them through 10 miles of 4-6 foot seas of the 20 mile race, where the surf skis ruled. Eric Costanzo added the Seas It Downwinder for the NJ/NY/PA paddlers which was a rough course this year. I had been advocating for years for a race in that area and Eric stepped up along with Seas It (Cancer Recovery Through Recreation) to host the 1st Annual this year. Next year Eric will move the date so it does not fall on the same date as the Ride the Bull. The Battle of the Bay was kept in the series despite losing the host organization, the Rose Island Foundation. We were also treated this year by the Sean Rice Clinics. The Nahant Bay Race has been a staple in the series and is just the right distance at 9 miles. August is jammed packed with races so those who can recovery quickly from all the races do well here. The Lighthouse to Lighthouse or East Coast Surfski Championship was abandoned this year do to the loss of the host. This race drew 87 total surfski in 2014 and the plan is to have it back next year. We ended with the Cape Cod Downwinder with 23 paddlers.

Eric,Greg,Jan, Mary Beth, Wesley
Racers must complete 6 of the 12 races to qualify and it came down to Saturday’s race between Jan Lupinski and Greg Lesher do decide the winner of the Series sponsored in part by Stellar Kayaks and Surfskis. Jan finished first in the Cape Cod race edging out Greg Lesher (4th). Click on the Heading: Series Results on the Home page for the complete breakdown of the series and click on the subsequent years for past results.
So the series finishers were Jan first, Greg second(tw0 points behind), and Eric Costanzo had a commanding lock on 3rd place. What these guys have in common is that they all train hard and compete. They come from different paddling back grounds with Jan coming from an extensive K1 background, Greg from sea kayaking, and Eric from a lifeguard racing(spec skis). Since the series has a mix of races, conditions often favor one of these three and can play to their strengths. Jan and Eric have to travel 3 hours to most of the races so cudos to them for making the huge effort.
Mary Beth Gangloff won the Women’s title racing 9 of 12 races including the Blackburn and Ride the Bull, the roughest of the races this year. Mary Beth can get it done!
There were 14 paddlers that completed 6 of the 12 races this year so congrats to them. It is a long race season and most of us except Matt Drayer are in our 40’s or 50’s. Greg Lesher earns the Endurance Award for doing 11 of the 12 races and finishing virtually every race in top 3. I also want to thank Greg for posting all the results on this site along with his superb articles. It takes more time to write an article, edit a video, than it does to race them.

Greg, Jan, Eric top three on the podium at the Sakonnet River Race in June. These guys can make it happen!!
Next year we will gain a couple of younger paddlers, Ben Piggot and Mike Dostal who got some ocean time this year despite living and training in Western Massachusetts(flat water). I hope Leslie Chappell will attend more races since we need more women paddlers. Over the last 5 years there are many race series up and down the East Coast which proves the sport is growing. I also know that all surf ski paddlers don’t race and that part of the sport is growing too. New paddlers and cross over paddlers are beginning to realize that skis are efficient boats and their is a ski for everyone. Point in case, my friend Jim Permantel (73 years old) raced in the Battle of the Bay Race and has logged in numerous miles in Narragansett Bay in his new Stellar 14ft surf ski enjoying every minute of it as he is fond of telling me.
Congratulations again to Jan, Greg, and Eric for their hard work, consistency, and superb paddling skills! Job Well Done!

2015 Sakonnet River Race. This picture represents the most consistent racers in New England. Well done Guys!
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