Request your OMMFG! sticker:
Support Joe Glickman as he continues his battle to beat cancer!
We just ordered 100 stickers, so if you would like one just send me an email with your address and I’ll mail out as soon as they come in. I will also be at the Blackburn with stickers to hand out as well. Email
All we ask is you take a picture, post on Ocean Paddlesports East Facebook Page, and add a comment if you’d like. See some great examples below!!
For those of you that don’t know the story behind OMMFG!, here is my summary:
Russ Andersen is local fitness-paddler that paddles the same bay that Joe Glickman has trained in over the past few years. Along the way there where times that Joe went out of his way to take a few minutes to teach him a few things and support his efforts. Russ always appreciated that he took the time to do so. For that reason, Russ wanted to try to do a little something that might help Glick keep up his spirits as he fights through and beats this latest challenge.
A few weeks ago, in the midst of a brief, jovial email exchange, Russ light heartedly and half jokingly, commented to Glicker that while he was going through his treatments and surgery this summer, Russ was implementing a new, OMMFG! ( One More Mile For Glicker!), policy at the end of each of his paddles during the season. Russ told Joe that since Joe himself couldn’t paddle on a regular basis for now, that he would pick up a little bit of the slack by tacking on an extra mile, dedicated to Joe, to the end of each of his fitness paddles.
A few days later, hoping to generate a bit of a chuckle, Russ had a couple of small — one inch high, by five inches long– vinyl graphics made up with the acronym OMMFG!. He installed them on his two skis, took a picture of one on his V10 Sport and attached it to an email he was sending to check in on Joe. Joe got a kick out of it.
That got Russ thinking. Though he originally came up with the idea during the email bantering with Glicker, he thought that the concept might actually be a small way that his paddling community friends — here in the U.S. and elsewhere– could show support.
Well Russ ordered 50 stickers that went like hot cakes, and asked if we could help spread the word and keep the momentum. Thanks Russ!!
Tom Kerr 6/24: “I was training for Blackburn last night off Milford w/two seat pads in beam chop. I was feeling unstable and wanted to turn to make things easier…maybe I could work on technique another day, but then I thought, One More Mile for Glicker. Later, I was off Charles Island and getting tired, there was a bit of a rip, hmmm, maybe I should turn around? No, One More Mile for Glicker. After turning at the buoy and heading downwind, the conditions were great. The sun was setting on the water and it looked amazing. I was able to link the runs and I didn’t want it to end, so I did One More Mile for Glicker and it was awesome. — with Joe Glickman.”

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