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Epic V7 Surf ski
Epic V7 Surf ski
Purchased in May 2023, this Epic V7 surfski was paddled for one season and is in perfect condition. It's stable,…
Total views: 157
Price: $ 1,600.00
Knysna Racing Jacana K-1
Knysna Racing Jacana K-1
Brand new, marathon lay-up /Carbon vac, intermediate model, under stern, pedal steering, foot pump, low seat. Located BocaRaton, FL.
Total views: 106
Price: $ 2,400.00
Nelo 550 Surf Ski
Nelo 550 Surf Ski
Nelo 550 in Fort Myers FL. Perfectly functioning but some exterior cracks above the waterline and some abrasions.
Total views: 122
Price: $ 1,250.00
2021 Nelo 550L SCS (2G) Surf Ski
2021 Nelo 550L SCS (2G) Surf Ski
SCS layup(22 lbs), Mint condition, Size Large bucket padded out to fit me.  Dec 2021 built,  Stored inside, protective tape…
Total views: 453
Price: $ 3,200.00
2023 Nelo 540 SSC(22lbs) Surf Ski
2023 Nelo 540 SSC(22lbs) Surf Ski
Size L bucket: The bucket is more shallow(not as deep) and shaped slightly differently than 550's or 560's, so fits…
Total views: 358
Price: $ 3,950.00