In complete contrast to the silky smooth, records to be broken conditions of this year’s Blackburn, the 2011 Double Beaver offered unruly, chaotic waves and the season’s best downwind runs. This was surfski heaven and the course did not disappoint.
My weather predictions made a liar out of me. The night before I complained about how flat and boring it was likely to be and how I should change the start time to 3 PM when the wind and waves have had a chance to build as is done at the USSSC in Frisco. Wish granted. As we rounded House on the Rocks the second pack of Chris Chappell, Kirk Olsen, Mike McDonough and myself soon had bows rising and slamming in the irregular steep chop, beginning an upwind grind against 12+ kts. wind and an incoming tide. One needed hula hips to rock and roll and stay upright. The winds carried away the sounds of the nearby Jazz Festival to silence.
Opportunities to swim were abundant, creating a chance to practice remounting in very challenging conditions, and anyone who finished this race gained confidence. Word has it that Bob Capellini offered assistance to some of those swimmers and was given a time allowance. It’s no doubt that everyone was challenged and relieved to finish.
Joe Glickman let it rip going downwind demonstrating his superior surf skills. Wesley had his best Double Beaver performance ever, hanging near Joe till the Beavertail Buoy. Mike Tracy was in his element, relaxed, happy, and “in the zone”. Honorable Mention goes to Mike Chamness who made a great leap in performance in tough conditions.
Joe Shaw was the lucky raffle winner of a new Epic Paddle and Mike Tracy and Steve DelGaudio came away with some swag. Glicker as the top paddler won the $100 from Stellar. ~Tim
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