• My Journey of Surfski Paddling and SurfskiRacing.com

    Surfskis in New England in late 1990's-early 2000 As many of you know, I have been reviewing surfskis for over a decade and paddling skis since 2003, and sea kayaks since 1994. I was an [...]

  • Good To Race-Holyoke Rows Fall Festival 6 Miler

    Healthy Distractions Since retiring from pharmaceutical sales three years ago, I have been busy, just not paddling as much. I have been running/racing 5k, 5 milers, and 10k's often winning my age group or at [...]

  • Memories of Timmy Shields

    Mark Ceconi remembering Timmy: I've spent the day struggling with the need to say something meaningful, in tribute to my good friend, Timmy Shields, whose passing I learned of early this morning. My words are [...]

  • 2018 Ride The Bull Video and Olga’s Wonderful Pictures

      Olga's Fabulous Pics of Ride the Bull Race  

  • 40th ROTC is Back!

    The 40th running of the Run of the Charles River Watershed Association Race was held today under perfect skies on the mighty Charles River. This race was revived after COVID-19 thanks to Meg Rivett (Race [...]

  • Get Registered for the 2024 ROTC

    2024 ROTC REGISTRATION Link   2019 ROTC RACE SUMMARY-REPOSTED.  I was looking forward to the Run of the Charles, 6 mile, 2019 edition even with its changes. The start time for this year was 10 [...]

  • Fun Times at the 2023 Blackburn Challenge

    Pretty much on a whim, Tim and decided to race a double surf ski for this year's 2023 Blackburn Challenge. While I have raced 17 Blackburn, never in a double. Tim has raced both in [...]

  • 2023 Double Beaver, Double the Fun in a Double.

    Last week Tim ask me if I wanted to paddle as he got ready for the race he hosted, the 10-mile Double Beaver Race that starts at Bay Voyage Inn, passes the House on the [...]

  • Ride The Bull, Stormless Weather by Greg Lesher

    The Ride the Bull race in Jamestown, Rhode Island is the high point of the season for many paddlers.  And not just because it's the only course in New England in which misjudging the confused [...]

  • 100 Surf Skis-Initial Set Up

    Nelo 540 Surf Ski Since paddling surf skis since 2003, I estimated I have owned at least 100 surf skis(Huki, Fenn, Think, Epic, Stellar, Vajda, Nelo) excluding "stock" skis for sale during my [...]

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